I recently upgraded my main computer to Fedora 9 from Fedora 7.  When I
brought gimp up and clicked on 'about' under Help, a window came up
claiming it is gimp 2.4.1.   But the package is designated 2-2.4.7, from
which I conclude it is really gimp 2.4.7.   The explanation might be
that the help package is 2-2.4.1.   I can't figure out any way to tell
from the running program which version it is.

On the other hand I recently got a laptop runing Ubuntu 8.04.  When
start gimp on it, 'about' tells me I have gimp 2.4.5, which I believe.

Any comments or explanations?
Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mathematics Department, Northwestern University

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