>>Was sure I posted yesterday....
>>Have been following the "hot wallpaper with flames"
>>tutorial. My problem is that when I'm trying to remove the background,
>>instead of beeing removed completely it turns in to a white background.
>>whole point is that object would be freed from the background. What have I
>>missed? Plerase help
>hi chris!
>the forums of gimpusers.com are connected to the mailing list, so you
>always include a link to which tutorial you refer ;)
>i think your problem is the missing alpha channel of the layer. right click
>the layer in the layers dialog and choose "add alpha channel". the you
>be able to free the body from the background.

Noted and thanks for your reply. It works now and I think I know what I did
wrong. I'm using the swedish language so when translating the meaing of things
sometimes gets mixed up.
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