Hi saulgoode,

Thanks for your input, but I am afraid that you have completely
misunderstood the intent of my question.

- I want the visible "objects" (other than the background color)
currently in the image to remain exactly the same size.

- I want to increase the size of the canvas and fill the newly created
size/area with the background color -- which is exactly what happens
when "All Layers" is selected.

My question relates to configuring Gimp to remember the "All Layers"
setting in that dialog box instead of Gimp forgetting it every darn time.



On 04/01/2009 02:39 PM, saulgo...@flashingtwelve.brickfilms.com wrote:
> Quoting Jay Smith <j...@jaysmith.com>:
>> Using Gimp 2.6.6 on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) Linux.
>> For the vast majority of my work, every time I enlarge the canvas (which
>> I have to do a _lot_ ), I want _all_ the Layers to enlarge as well.
>> However, the dialog box
>>    Image... Canvas Size... Layers...
>> _always_ seems to default to "None" instead of "All Layers".
> The "Image/Canvas size..." command will only change the size of your  
> "work surface" (the paper size, if you will) but not change the size  
> of the graphics ON the canvas.
> In order enlarge or shrink the image fully -- that is change the size  
> of the pictures on the "paper", not just the size of the "paper" --  
> you should use the "Image->Scale Image" command.

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