On Monday 21 June 2010 14:11:58 Martin Nordholts wrote:
> On 06/21/2010 08:00 PM, John Culleton wrote:
> > And what is the priority/schedule for CMYK?
> We know we need CMYK sooner or later, but higher bit 
depths and
> non-destructiveness is much more important. So first 
good support for
> the latter, then we can begin looking into proper support 
for the former
> IMO. Maybe in a stable version 6-8 years from now with 
the current pace
> of development.
>   / Martin
Hey, I may not live that long :<). Krita has had CMYK for 
years. But of course Krita lacks the full feature set of Gimp.
Maybe some of that Krita code could be lifted for Gimp, just 
as InDesign lifted important features from TeX.
John Culleton
Wexford Press
"Create Book Covers with Scribus"
Printable E-book 38 pages $5.95
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