On Tue, 2011-04-19 at 04:24 +0400, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> On 4/19/11, Leonard Evens wrote:
> > I keep posing questions about this but so far I haven't gotten a useful
> > response.
> You think reference to LensFun is not useful?

I don't remember being told about this.

But it turns out that I had a lensfun library installed.  I didn't have
the actual plug-in.  So I compiled it and put the plug-in in my personal
plug-in directory.  It seems to work quite well.  It examines the exif
entry to determine the lens and lens setting.

What I don't understand is how I managed to have the library installed
without the plugin.
> > P.S.   I understand that ahd I shot raw with my Nikon,  I might have
> > been able to do the correction more easily using ufraw.   Also, it might
> > be possible using hugin to correct the distortion.  But I would like to
> > be able to do it with gimp if I can.
> http://lensfun.sebastiankraft.net/
> Alexandre Prokoudine
> http://libregraphicsworld.org
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Added later.  One t hing was clarified but adds another mystery.  I was 
misled by  the black columns in the image.  After the distortion is eliminated
the sides of the columns are vertical, a s the should be, but the highlighted 
one the columns are still curved.  That was what was confusing me.

The still unresolved question is where those highlighted lines on the columns 

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