I convert Kodak PhotoCD format (.pcd) with pcdtoppm (in the
xpcd-packet) into a .ppm-file.
    According to Michael J.Hammel's The Artists' Guide to the GIMP
(p.29) GIMP can read this PPM format.
    I can read the new .ppm-file in a GIMP imagewindow. Up to now
everything is OK. In the imagewindow I see a relatively normal
    Then I want to print this .ppm-file on paper. I use a HP
DeskJet 970Cxi. I control it with a HP 600 series driver at 600 
dpi, which is not as good as it can be, but I understand that 
there are no other possibilities at the moment
    The result of this printing is bad. As if I am only seeing 1
plane of the total graphic.
    Up to now I can not see what I am doing wrong, or what I will
have to do to get a better result.
    Someone having similar experiences, and solutions?

Dick Kampman

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