On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 05:50:43AM -0800, pixel fairy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> youll also need to go with ATI for hardware gamma. it wont work with
> a matrox card 

Hardware gamma correction for my matrox card was introduced in
xfree-3.3.x.  If they haven't removed it it should still work fine
(incidentally, it does work here).

      -----==-                                             |
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      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __       Marc Lehmann      +--
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /       [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
      -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\       XX11-RIPE         --+
    The choice of a GNU generation                       |

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