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>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Sep 26 06:01:16 1998
Message-ID: <F1D612CF3E53D11197B00060088D615514072C@EVENT-S1>
From: TechSupport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sender: Marty Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Neal Sanche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: DirectX and ASIO Drivers?
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:50:14 -0700
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Direct X and Direct Sound drivers are on our development schedule, but
at this time projected release dates are not available. They will be
posted on are web site when ready.

ASIO drivers for the PC are scheduled to be available in late September
to mid October. Our engineers are working closely with STEINBERG'S
ENGINEERS to meet this date.
They will be posted on are web site when ready.

MB, Event Electronics
        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Neal Sanche [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent:   Wednesday, September 23, 1998 10:16 AM
        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        DirectX and ASIO Drivers?

        Hi Tech Support!

        I'm an owner of a GINA, Serial number GN1618629. I would like to
        when the Cubase ASIO drivers for GINA will be released. I am
dismayed at
        the high latencies I am getting. Do you have any suggested
settings for the
        number of buffers and the buffer sizes for use in Cubase?

        Also, I am wondering when your DirectX drivers will be released?
There is an
        increasing number of audio applications that will require these
        Gigasampler, Seer Systems Reality, and probably many others. If
I could
        make a suggestion: You really need to make this sort of
information available
        on your web site so that us curious folks can be satisfied.

        I don't think it would be a crime to promise driver release
dates. We've
        already bought your products. Maybe you could set up an 'owners'
        where card owners could get pre-release versions of drivers, and
        for beta testing the drivers.

        I would whole-heartedly volunteer to be the among the first
people to test
        the ASIO drivers, or the DirectX drivers for you.

        One more question: When are your card technical specifications
and developer
        kit going to be released? I have been waiting for any
information to be made
        available so that I might try and write a drive for the Linux
operating system.
        I've asked three times before. Please don't just tell me 'Soon'.
I'd like to
        have my email address forwarded to anyone in your organization
who might be
        working on this.



        +-------- Neal Sanche +----+ [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] +------ ICQ
5516171 ------+

         Have you seen the latest Japanese camera?  Apparently it is so
fast it can
         photograph an American with his mouth shut!

+-------- Neal Sanche +----+ [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] +------ ICQ 5516171 ------+

        Indubitably true, in somebody's opinion.

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