I am not sure what's the best way to represent labeled graphs in Giraph.

Here is my graph (i.e. vertex_id --edge_label_id--> vertex_id ):

32 --62--> 115
32 --153--> 189
32 --200--> 236
32 --266--> 303
32 --266--> 331
32 --266--> 363
303 --153--> 407
303 --266--> 331
331 --153--> 394
331 --266--> 32

I have code to produce an adjacency list:

32 ( 62 115 ) ( 153 189 ) ( 200 236 ) ( 266 303 331 363 )
303 ( 153 407 ) ( 266 331 )
331 ( 153 394 ) ( 266 32 )

What's the bets way to represent labeled graphs with Giraph?

Correct me if I am wrong, but none of the current VertexInputFormat(s) is good
for this, am I right?

As a workaround, it is possible to generate an unlabeled adjacency list with
just the edge type someone is interested in, say for example --266--> :

32 303 331 363
303 331
331 32


The graph above is RDF, parsed using Apache Jena's RIOT and stored in TDB.
An example of code to generate the adjacency list from TDB indexes is here:

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