I was vaccinated against smallpox [since eradicated]; polio; diphtheria;
whooping-cough and tetanus as a baby/toddler in the 1960s. I had a single 
measles jab in 1968 (I may have got it before the majority, as I'd recently 
recovered from non-resolving pneumonia, and it was seen as undesirable
that I should get measles. I had rubella and TB jabs in my early teens;
at that time, rubella was given to girls only, and not till they reached
13 or so.

Varicelle is chicken-pox. I have had this disease, and I don't think there's
a vaccine for it, at least not in the UK.


In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Adeline Tissier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 'Students are particularly vulnerable. Many 18 to 22-year-olds were not
> > properly immunised as children because they were too young for the triple
> > vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and did not properly take 
> > the
> > double dose of the individual vaccines.
> > 
> > During the early 1990s as a result of the introduction of the MMR vaccine,
> > cases of mumps dropped rapidly. But this also means that today's 18 to
> > 22-year-olds have not had the chance to build up a natural immunity.'
> So when did vaccination against these illnesses start? I am 27 and was only
> ever vaccined against Polio, Diphteria, Tetanos and TB. I had regular jabs
> for all these as a kid (at birth and then every 5 then 10 years) but like
> most kids when I was at nursery and then primary school, I caught mumps,
> measles and something we call varicelle (itchy spots all over) as well as
> rubella at various stages. I remember all the kids in the house (my brother
> and I and the 2 girls who lived upstairs and played with us) all having
> measles one after the other when I was about 8. So when did these illnesses
> which were just something you went through as a kid become something to be
> eradicated? I have no idea what the policy is about vaccines against these
> in France nowadays but I presume it is the same as in England.

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