Here the different cases I tried:

1.) changing the initial line HOME="$HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH" to 
Creates .gitconfig when I call git config --global "Name". This 
file contains only the user (name, email) information. Changes are seen by 
Commit fails with "tell me who you are".

2.) changing the initial line HOME="$HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH" to HOME = 
"C:/Documents and Settings/me/".
Same behaviour as in 1.)

3) adding a line HOME = "C:/Documents and Settings/mbader/" after the 
complete section where home is defined.
Git Bash start with an error message "HOME command not found", but I can 
use it.
Git behaves later as if this line is not existing.

git config -l sees changes in .gitconfig and in C:\Program 
Files\Git\etc\gitconfig, but not in C:\Documents and Settings\me\gitconfig.

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