If you don't want to do a commit, then do a stash. It puts the current
working directory "off to the side". Like a temporary branch. When you want
to come back, then you do a git stash pop.

I think I understand how you're working. You likely only do a "commit" when
you think something is "finished". I, on the other hand, think of "commit"
as "take a checkpoint". And I use the commit comment to tell me where I am
and what I'm thinking about.  I have a bare repository to which I do a "git
push" when I think that something is finished. Well, to the extent that
anything that _I_ do is ever finished <grin/>.

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 10:05 AM, maya melnick <maya778...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> thank you all very much for your responses....  this is the first time I'm
> back on Usenet in a long time... it had become practically unusable b/c of
> the spam, but I see that google got its act together here, and has somehow
> managed to deal with the spam...;-)  this is good to know...
> yes, I see that I have to commit changes before switching branches in
> order for the changes to NOT show up in branch master....
> to me personally this doesn't matter, I work in my localhost, and just
> want the changes to be visible that I want to push at that moment...  so I
> guess all I have to do is stage & commit, then switch to the branch for the
> changes I want to push at that moment, and push...  does this make sense?
>  it's the first time I'm using git for my personal stuff...
> but I imagine in other situations, to have to commit every time before
> switching branches is weird... what if you haven't finished work on a
> branch and need to switch branches to take care of another problem, but
> don't want to commit what you just did because, well, you're not ready to
> commit?  ;-)
> I mean scenario described here,
> http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging
> on very first section, near the top of this page...
> (they never said you'd have to commit every time you switch
> branches.....;-)
> thank you very much....
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As of next week, passwords will be entered in Morse code.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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