On 2015-05-09, at 11:03 PM, Michael <keybou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Lets say you've got files set up to commit to one point in the tree, but 
> you're actually in a different location. How do you move where you are / 
> where a commit will go, without altering the files?

Alright, what happened here?

I figured this is what the stash is for, right? Stash a change, move with 
checkout, pop the change.

keybounceMBP:Loot++ michael$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on (no branch): 4194cda First chunk
HEAD is now at 4194cda First chunk
keybounceMBP:Loot++ michael$ git checkout chest
Previous HEAD position was 4194cda... First chunk
Switched to branch 'chest'
keybounceMBP:Loot++ michael$ git help stash
keybounceMBP:Loot++ michael$ git stash pop

Git is now telling me that there are no changes, yet I had a commit ready that 
removes a hunk from the commit on branch "chest".

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