>From the original poster's point of view:  Yes, you can use Git to store
various versions of MS Word documents, but you probably don't get much
benefit from doing so, since Git can't see into the different versions
of documents to see how they differ; to Git they're just blobs.  OTOH,
it may be that "collections of blobs" is all that you need the storage
system to provide.

Konstantin Khomoutov <flatw...@users.sourceforge.net> writes:
> "Steve (Gadget) Barnes" <gadgetst...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> At the risk of getting flamed for mentioning a differnt dVCS, the 
>> Mercurial, (hg), project has a very sneaky extension called zipdoc
>> that stores the content of the zip files, (docx are actually zips
>> containing XML), and the fact that they belong in a specific .docx,
>> (or whatever), file.  On committing such a file it is actually
>> unzipped and the constituents either stored, or for an update, diffed
>> and then on a pull they are pulled as constituent parts and then
>> zipped to reconstitute the original file.
>> You could either consider using Mercurial or trying to find or
>> develop a similar extension.
> I wonder what this actually buys: you'll end up with a bunch of XML
> files (and picture files, if any, and the Manifest file, and so on),
> and the problem is that that XML file representing "the content" is as
> readable as the original .docx.  As they say, "XML combines the
> efficiency of text files with the readability of binary files" [1].
> I mean, diffing a machine-produced XML files, where a tiny
> logical change in a document could result in hefty parts of that XML
> swath rewritten is just marginally better than the original problem.

The question is this:  If you make a small change to the document (as a
human sees it), does this cause a small change to the XML files within
the Zip?  If the answer is Yes, then many revisions of a document can be
stored densely in a repository.  And it might be possible to merge small
differences in documents using a standard merging approach.

But the only way to know would be to talk to someone who has
considerable experience with this.


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