On Fri, 2 Sep 2016 15:53:45 -0700 (PDT)
edgaroliveira....@gmail.com wrote:

> So, this means which I can stay rested because this is normal! :)
> This means if I delete my directory on pc1 or pc2 I won't lost any
> files. Because this difference on numbers of file it is refers
> archive which git created derivate of my commits and another action
> on git, rights?
> Which I could see the difference on number of files isn't only .git 
> directory. This means the git save files in another directory on tree
> of directory, right?

I'm having hard time comprehending the essense of the question -- just
like the other folk chimed in this thread ;-)  ...but, the real thing is
that it's not what you should be concerned with.

For you, as a user, the contents of the ".git" directory is a black
box: you do not care about what's there as long as Git works OK and
tells you it contains the history you want.

Now onto the history.  The real deal is checking whether your local
repository really contains the _history_ you need.  This means branches
and tags of interest.  (On a side note: bringing two normal Git
repositories in full sync -- so that they look exactly the same -- is
doable but usually not what's really intended.)

Say, you want the repo B to have the branches "master" and "develop"
from repo A.  So in the repo B (assuming it was cloned from A), you do:

  $ git fetch origin
  $ git fetch --tags origin

...and then look at what this command fetched / updated.

Now supposed the first command told you it updated the branches "master"
and "develop".  This means it updated the so-called "remote-tracking
branches" for this repository -- those you can see by calling

  $ git branch -r


  $ git branch -a

These branches are "namespaced" using the name of the remote repository.
There can be many of them but in your case there will probably be just
one -- named "origin".  OK, so that `git fetch` command had updated the
branches named "origin/master" and "origin/develop".
Now you can see what they contain by merely using

  $ git log origin/master
  $ git show origin/master
  $ git diff master..origin/master

and so on.  Say, if your origin/master contains the commit you
wanted/expected to see there you can be 100% sure all the revelant
pieces of the history from the source repository have been transferred
to your local one.

Don't be attached to files; inspect the available history instead.

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