On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 8:26 AM, Thiago Farina <tfrans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I push a working branch to github inside it?
> E.g:
> # On master:
> $ git checkout -b feature-work
> # On feature-work
> # vi, hack, commit, ready to push
> $ git push origin master # here I expected it would working pushing my
> commits to a feature-work branch in github. Or if I omit master it
> gives me a [rejected] error.
> Everything up-to-date.
> $ git checkout master
> $ git push origin feature-work # Now the branch is pushed.


I must be missing something.  It looks like the reason it didn't push
feature-work the first time is because you told it to push master


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