Sharing my thoughts on this one, …

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Ralf Thielow <> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 11:57 PM, Sascha Cunz <> wrote:
>> However, git-rebase just threw these two sentences at me (And though i know
>> their meaning, i couldn't get the meaning from the message, it gave). Both 
>> are
>> in context of starting a rebase while one is already in progress.
>> first is:
>> Original:
>> ... and I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase.
>> German git translation:
>> ... und es wäre verwunderlich, wenn ein Neuaufbau bereits im Gange ist.
>> And a re-translation back to English from my understanding as native German
>> speaker:
>> ... and it would be astonishing (=i'd be surprised), if a rebase was already
>> in progress.
> We try to avoid translating terms like "I wonder if.." and similar as
> "ich wundere mich", because it's very unusual in German messages
> of computer programs. Translators should have the freedom to reword
> terms a bit to make a more optimal translation, but the meaning must
> not be lost, and I can't say that this is the case.
> Translate the term "in the middle of"  word-by-word would result in
> "in der Mitte eines", which can be interpreted as a place somewhere
> or that an action is in progress. To avoid a possible confusion, we
> decided to translate this term as "im Gange sein" ("be in progress") in
> the whole translation. I also think that "in der Mitte einer Zusammenführung
> sein" doesn't sound really good. It tends to mean a place, not an action.

What about a simple "Eventuell wird bereits ein andere
Neuaufbau/rebase ausgeführt"?

And, iirc, "I wonder if" translates to "Ich frage mich, ob …"

>> And second:
>> Original:
>> I am stopping in case you still have something valuable there.
>> German git translation:
>> Es wird angehalten, falls bereits etwas Nützliches vorhanden ist.
>> I wanted to point out that "etwas Nützliches" is more "something useful" that
>> "something valuable". But the more I thought about it, the more it started to
> I've been thinking about possible different translations, and the only
> one I have in
> mind is "wertvoll". But translating "valuable" as "wertvoll" ("bereits
> etwas Wertvolles
> vorhanden") sounds a bit like "we've found a treasure", instead of
> something which
> has a value in the meaning of content. I think having a translation
> which is more
> like "useful" than "valuable" does also hit the point of the message,
> doesn't it?

What about "wichtig"? I think that transfers the meaning pretty well.
"Es wird angehalten, um den Verlust wichtiger Infos zu vermeiden"

I hope the above spends some inspiration :)


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