On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 7:00 PM, Chris Webb <ch...@arachsys.com> wrote:
> Felipe Contreras <felipe.contre...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Yes, it seems this is an API issue; repo.branchtip doesn't exist in
>> python 2.2.
> Hi. Presumably this is a problem with old mercurial not a problem with old
> python as mentioned in the commit?

Yeah, mercurial.

>> Both issues should be fixed now :)
> They are indeed, and it now works nicely on all the repos I've tested it
> with, including http://selenic.com/hg: very impressive!
> I wonder whether it's worth ignoring heads with bookmarks pointing to them
> when it comes to considering heads of branches, or at least allowing the
> hg branch tracking to be easily disabled?
> A common idiom when working with hg bookmarks is to completely ignore the
> (not very useful) hg branches (i.e. all commits are on the default hg
> branch) and have a bookmark for each line of development used exactly as a
> git branch would be.
> On such a repository, at the moment you will always get a warning about
> multiple heads on branches/default, even though you actually don't care
> about branches/default (and would prefer it not to exist) and just want the
> branches coming from the bookmarks.
> I've also seen repositories with no hg branches, but with a single
> unbookmarked tip and bookmarks on some other heads to mark non-mainline
> development. It would be nice for branches/default to track the unbookmarked
> tip in this case, without warning about the other, bookmarked heads.

Implemented now. I'm not handling the 'tip' revision, but most likely
it's also the '.' revision. In this case a fake 'master' bookmark will
be created to track that revision.

> Finally, on a simple repo with no branches and where there's no clash with a
> bookmark called master, I'd love to be able to a get a more idiomatic
> origin/master rather than origin/branches/default.

Yeah, you can get that now. If there are no branches or bookmarks,
'master' will point to '.'.

As for your preference of not tracking branches, there's a new option:

% git config --global remote-hg.track-branches false

So you don't have to use hg-git-compat mode :)


Felipe Contreras
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