On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Joydeep Bakshi
<joydeep.bak...@infoservices.in> wrote:
> On 15-Mar-2013, at 6:14 PM, Fredrik Gustafsson <iv...@iveqy.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 05:54:05PM +0530, Joydeep Bakshi wrote:
>>> [1] the server will have different git repo with branches
>>> [2] there will be a web-based GUI which must be flexible to show just a 
>>> specific branch of a repo based on user authentication
>>> [3] the web-based GUI should also have the flexibility to show a single 
>>> repo based on the authentication
>>> [4] the web-based GUI should have an admin account to supervise and 
>>> configure all repos along with their branches
>>> [3] there must be a control mechanism in the repo/web based GUI which have 
>>> ACL on branches i.e.
>>> some specific users should see some specific/ or just a branch and able to 
>>> commit there only.
>>> based on the above scenario could anyone suggest the best available 
>>> solution ?
>>> There are many like gitolike/github etc…. but don't know whig one has much 
>>> finer granular
>>> control/ACL/web-based GUI…
>> gitolite have a more fine ACL. Check it out. However it doesn't really
>> meet your needs with web-interface (and I'm not even sure about the ACL
>> thing is fine enough for you). You can read more about ACL in the git
>> book: http://git-scm.com/book/ch7-4.html
>> The webgui that's most populair is cgit and git-web. They don't do ACL
>> afaik.
>> Why would you need ACL? Why not don't share the branches that are going
>> to be secret? Or are you looking for some branches to be read only?
> Actually the branches have to be dedicated to a group of users.
>  developer branch ---> developers
> bug fixed branch --- > bug fixer
> and specific group don't need to RW permission on other branch.
> Obviously the admin must have the full permission on all these branches
> and merge as per requirement.
> The web-interface is required for checking the history by the users themselves
> and for code review. I don't know any web interface which can show repo/branch
> based on authentication. I have tried gitweb but it can handle a single repo 
> or multiple
> repo with single authentication. NO ACL

I think you would need to have a separate repo for each group. Then
only push the appropriate branches to each repo.

Paul [W] Campbell
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