Michael Haggerty <mhag...@alum.mit.edu> writes:

>> The only caller of remove-duplicates is bundle.c, which gets many
>> starting points and end points from the command line and tries to be
>> nice by removing obvious duplicates, e.g.
>>      git bundle create t.bundle master master
>> but I think its logic of deduping is wrong.  It runs dwim_ref() on
>> the incoming refs after the remove-duplicates call, so
>>      git bundle create t.bundle master heads/mater
>> will end up with two copies of refs/heads/master.  To fix it, the
>> code must dedup the result of running dwim_ref(), and at that point,
>> there is no reason to call object_array_remove_duplicates().
> That sounds reasonable.
> I poked around this code a bit to understand what is going on, and it
> occurred to me that the object_array can include both positive and
> negative references, right?  And yet object_array_remove_duplicates()
> only considers names, not flags.  So it seems to me that if the deduping
> code would see the same reference twice, once positive and once
> negative, then it would throw an arbitrary one of them out, which would
> be wrong.
> But I couldn't provoke this situation, so perhaps setup_revisions()
> already specially treats combinations like "master ^master"?  (If that's
> true then why? and wouldn't it get confused by "master ^heads/master"?)

With "git bundle create t.bundle ^master master", you see two
entries in revs.pending.objects[] but they are the same object and
is already marked as uninteresting, so you will not see 'master' in
the result.

This parsing loop predates the more recent revs->cmdline mechanism,
that treats these two command line arguments as separate entities,
so that we can more reliably tell what the real end-user input is.
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