Am 10.10.2013 21:47, schrieb Sebastian Schuberth:
> So the obvious thing would be to replace /a/b/ with
> /foo/bar/ in the tests, but that just masks the problem, or?

The strange behavior is not a problem in Git, it is a problem of MSYS.
Using /foo/bar instead of /a/b in Git's test suite is a reasonable

If you mean that you get ../../C:/something from the relative_path
computation, that *is* a problem in Git, which is addressed by the topic

> PS: I'm also quite unhappy about naming the function "mingw_path". The
> path mangling comes from MSYS, not MinGW, so if at all it should be
> named msys_path. But as the code for the "mingw_path" function does
> nothing either MSYS or MinGW related but just prints argv[2] as it was
> passed to main() it should probably simply called "print_path".

You have a point here. If it were to change, "echo_path" would be my

-- Hannes

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