Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Ilya Bobyr <ilya.bo...@gmail.com> writes:
> > On 4/21/2014 2:17 PM, Felipe Contreras wrote:
> >> Ilya Bobyr wrote:
> >>
> >>> Also, most have names that start with either "pre-" or "post-".
> >>> It seems reasonable for both "pre-update-branch" and
> >>> "post-update-branch" to exist.
> >> I don't see what would be the point in that.
> >
> > Do you see the point in the other hooks doing that?
> pre- and post- are primarily so that people can tell that "pre-
> happens before the operation and its primary motivation is to stop
> an operation from happening" as opposed to "post- is called after
> the fact and there is no way for it to intervene---it is too late;
> it is primarily for things like logging" easily.
> As long as you can tell what you can use it for and when it is
> called from the name of the hook, there is no fundamental reason why
> you need to have pre- or post- prefix in your hook names, but unless
> there is no other strong reason not to, it is probably a good idea
> to follow suit.  There is not much value in trying to be "original"
> in naming things, just to be different; it will only confuse the
> users.

It's not original; there are _already_ hooks without pre/post. And it's not
confusing, "update-branch" doesn't tell much, not any hook name could, that's
what the documentation is for.

Felipe Contreras
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