Hi folks,

I've spent the last few days getting gitorious installed on a server of mine, and I've got most of the bumps worked out with a liberal application of google and patience, but I've hit one now that's got me a bit stumped.

Here's what I'm trying to do: "git clone g...@appliance.exultant.us:house/wdev.git". The connection works fine, keys are good, etc... Then I'm getting a fatal error from Gitorious.

gitorious_auth.log shows me this:

F, [2011-05-20 12:29:47#16687] FATAL -- : Net::HTTPBadResponse wrong status line: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">": /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:2026:in `read_status_line'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:2013:in `read_new'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:1050:in `request'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:772:in `get'
[elided]/gitorious/script/../lib/gitorious/ssh/client.rb:84:in `configuration' [elided]/gitorious/script/../lib/gitorious/ssh/client.rb:58:in `real_path' [elided]/gitorious/script/../lib/gitorious/ssh/client.rb:72:in `to_git_shell_argument'

I read into the source a little bit (though mind you I've never spoken a word of ruby before last night, so take all that I say with a grain of salt), and found a few things: client.rb:82 is not expecting sub-URI installs (which is what I've done; i.e. I installed gitorious to be accessible via appliance.exultant.us/git)... I fixed that with a terrible hack (i.e. just prefacing that query_url with "/git"); problem remains.

Now I'm a bit stuck. I enabled the debugging statement around there when I try the clone command at the client again I get a message confirming that gitorious is "Querying /git/house/wdev/config"... and indeed, if I go to https://appliance.exultant.us/git/house/wdev/config in my browser I get a lovely little blast of yaml.

I'm guessing at this point that the problem here is that gitorious is trying to get that url over port 443 as I instructed in config/gitorious.yml, but over HTTP -- with out the S -- which would indeed result in apache on my server giving a "Bad Request" page with that exact doctype on the first line.

If I'm reading into this correctly, how can I go about telling gitorious to use HTTPS there? And will there be any patches coming down the line for making sub-URI installs work a little more smoothly?

    Eric Myhre

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