will there be any patches coming down the line for making sub-URI
    installs work a little more smoothly?

There are currently no specific plans to do so, but I'm all for it. I don't think it will be a huge job. If anyone is up for doing it (remember tests!) I'll be happy to merge it in.

First question would then be how to best make a unified go of it [...]
I found this also brought up before in merge request #2219 and again quite a long time ago at https://groups.google.com/group/gitorious/browse_thread/thread/8e2f965733d5d56d/8c814f3baa5ebdf0?q=root_path+gitorious+sub+uri#8c814f3baa5ebdf0 ... and these led me to notice ~rlandrito/gitorious/rl-mainline:non_root_url, which I guess would be a good place to start not reinventing the wheel (if anyone else stumbles across this subject again and wants next steps).

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