Right. Am I understanding this correctly that you are not exposing Gitorious over HTTP at all? Only HTTPS?
Just so. Is there a configuration option somewhere for this that I might have missed? (Actually, thb I'm a bit vague on why gitorious has this indirection at all -- I suppose I could write some more rules in apache config to allow http connections to those urls from localhost only, but it seems like there ought to be a more direct approach to all this than making HTTP requests after SSHing; gitorious can just call itself as ruby without rails/passenger at that point and get the job done that way, can't it?)

    will there be any patches coming down the line for making sub-URI
    installs work a little more smoothly?

There are currently no specific plans to do so, but I'm all for it. I don't think it will be a huge job. If anyone is up for doing it (remember tests!) I'll be happy to merge it in.

(Another option is to fund development which would allow us to more easily prioritise it. Sorry for the blatant sell, but we're doing Gitorious for a living, and there's a lot to do, can't prioritise it all...)
Well, I'm liable to throw some time into it when I get copious amounts of it free myself to come to grips with ruby, but I'm just a university researcher and I'm afraid I haven't got that budget, and even if I could repurpose some grant money I don't rightly think I've got a chance at selling it to my lab without the HTTPS issues all fixed and something along the lines of merge request 115 getting into mainline. Anyway!

First question would then be how to best make a unified go of it, since there's not currently an entry for specifying the web URI in gitorious.yml, but quite a few parts of the system adapt just fine anyway. In other words, I don't think it'd take me too much time to hack some more string ops throughout, but it seems like it'd be in the best interest of the project to make sure there's a single idiom used consistently for this (and I don't think that's something it would be appropriate for me to be taking the lead on per se). I see at http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache.html#sub_uri_deployment_uri_fix that Rails comes with some functions that help with this on the actual HTML generation side of things, but they appear to be radically overspecialized and not so useful as a result.

I do also have a couple tickets open at the lighthouse site that should be specific enough to make really short work of some low-hanging fruit for anyone already familiar with where things are in the codebase.

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