I've never used Git before, am on Windows 7, and have a couple git
related questions. (I installed the windows Git client as directed by:
http://help.github.com/win-set-up-git/ )

After setting the necessary http_proxy environment variables, I tried:
@git clone http://git.gitorious.org/qt/qt.git qt@

... assuming it would give me some sort of sensible result, but it
gave me this error:

@$ git clone http://git.gitorious.org/qt/qt.git qt
Cloning into qt...
error: Unable to get pack file http://git.gitorious.org/qt/qt.git/objects/pack/p
transfer closed with 178759620 bytes remaining to read
error: Unable to find ea5276f05ad2c45a2104dbeb9b437d9d82df1b72 under
Cannot obtain needed object ea5276f05ad2c45a2104dbeb9b437d9d82df1b72
error: Fetch failed.@

I’ve tried to clone a different Git project (though, on github) via a
similar command line, and it works fine. Can someone confirm that the
Qt repo at Gitorious is working via http?

Thank you

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