Dear Colleagues,

The enthusiasm of those working with FOSS is encouraging, though that
engagement doesn't per se make them any more able to make an informed
judgement than those researching FOSS; indeed, it may make them less
able to stand back and see the big picture.

FOSS has been an area plagued for too many years by talk of what it
could do or might achieve. Then, some real evidence - three surveys and
two cases drawn from three continents. This presents a very different
picture: one of marginality and with no sign, unless factors change,
that we are going to see the developmental potential of FOSS really

You can read this message in two ways: either that FOSS will never
deliver; or that the FOSS community needs to rethink its strategies. Or,
of course, if you've devoted months or years to FOSS and don't like the
message, you'll try to denigrate the writer, deny the data, and so

As much as anyone, I'm working to see ICTs deliver for development. My
worry is that the FOSS community is not reality-checking itself. Too
much talking to other believers; not enough standing back to see what is
really being achieved.

Richard Heeks
Development Informatics Group
University of Manchester, UK

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