Dear GKD Members,

I too will keep this short.  But first, per instructions, a brief

I am currently in Mali working on sustainable (from a profit-seeking
standpoint) business models for Internet access in some of the poorest
regions of the world. Not only is the profit motive an essential
focusing element in the work I do, but it is a fun challenge. And, I am
happy to report, it is possible to make a profit providing Internet
access here. One List member quoted an email I had sent to him on a
different discussion thread, so I figured if I was going to be quoted
here, I might as well have some control over what was being quoted!
(humor implied, if not achieved)

Peter Burgess said essentially all that need be said with regard to the
need for profit as a necessary condition for sustainability: "nothing
survives in the long run unless its value creation is greater than its
cost." If this isn't intuitively obvious, you need think only of the
opportunity cost of money-losing projects. If a project is not creating
value, then it is destroying value and resources that could be put to
better use elsewhere. Such a situation will not long endure; anyone
reading this has an interest in value-creation (or they wouldn't
subscribe to this List) and must surely take offense at the squandering
of finite resources.

Peter Baldwin

This DOT-COM Discussion is funded by USAID's dot-ORG Cooperative
Agreement with AED, in partnership with World Resources Institute's
Digital Dividend Project, and hosted by GKD. and
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