On 12/20/04, Darrell Owen wrote:

> When an Internet infrastructure can expand delivery of education,
> economic opportunity, expand markets, improve health care, improve
> agricultural production or increase prices paid to the farms for their
> crops, then the benefits will likely be such as to overcome any downside
> arguments associated with subsidizations associated with building the
> infrastructure.
> And as Cornelio points out, doing without subsidies would be better than
> with them if the local economics make this possible. In many locations
> it simply doesn't.

I wonder: if the first is true "bringing opportunities etc.", why not
then the second "local economics make this possible" or else if not the
second -In many locations it simply doesn't- why not then the first -new
economic (!) opportunities-?

To put it straight: if the new economic opportunities, expanded markets,
improved agricultural production and increased prices don't even pay for
the small fraction of ICT-costs (return of investment, operation) such
that ICT still has to be subsidized to become economically feasible...
then I'm awfully sorry but this ICT-investment is simply and purely
-economically- a waste of resources (or the opportunities etc., are a



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