On Tuesday, 1 March 2005, Joe Monahan wrote:

> Are there any folks here who can talk about the specific OS these
> computers are being built with? What are the trends that look likely to
> emerge? I see Microsoft supporting the MIT effort, but what version of
> Linux, etc. If the community doesn't settle on a platform there will be
> lots of wasted energy.

The only OS that actually makes sense for the poor is Linux. Free
Software that can be adapted to any language and to any set of cultural
and legal requirements without waiting for a vendor is essential.

The Simputers use Linux. Microsoft has effectively taken over the
Grameen Foundation USA's Village Computing Project.

Edward Cherlin
Generalist & activist--Linux, languages, literacy and more
"A knot! Oh, do let me help to undo it!"
--Alice in Wonderland

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