I don't normally recommend anything, but I have just run into a neat little device that has solved a problem for me, so I thought I'd mention it on-list in case it can help someone else.

I'm just a happy user: no connection with the product otherwise.

I am using it to solve a VoIP problem I have had running an extension to our new hosted VoIP from a residential 4G connection in very rural Spain (we used to have WiMAX with a fixed IP - but no more, just 4G but quite fast).

It's tunnelling my phone using a commercial VPN provider and bypassing inward VoIP blocking. Not against their T&C or anything, I suspect it's just blocked because it's 4G to protect their network, outgoing ports work but I receive no voice :)

This solution has stopped me banging my head against the wall trying to run various simultaneous different and colliding VPNs from my otherwise very good firewall. It just works.

Anyway the device is this:


Available from e.g. Amazon worldwide.

It's got WiFi and two NICs and USB and micro-USB power, and runs OpenWRT which is accessible at the second menu level and so it's highly tweakable: not that I have had to tweak it... it has many VPN providers pre-set and supports OpenVPN and Wireguard.

I paid €24 for one, at that price it can glue lots of stuff together.

Just thought I'd mention it. It's not a recommendation as such - it might break in a week - but I doubt it.

There's various other models.

And it's cute :)


Stabilys Ltd            www.stabilys.com
244 Kilburn Lane
W10 4BA

0845 838 5370

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