On Thu, 6 Feb 2020, James Roberts via GLLUG wrote:

Anyway the device is this:


Available from e.g. Amazon worldwide.

It's got WiFi and two NICs and USB and micro-USB power, and runs OpenWRT which is accessible at the second menu level and so it's highly tweakable: not that I have had to tweak it... it has many VPN providers pre-set and supports OpenVPN and Wireguard.

I paid ?24 for one, at that price it can glue lots of stuff together.

Just thought I'd mention it. It's not a recommendation as such - it might break in a week - but I doubt it.

There's various other models.

And it's cute :)

I'm using three of them. Mostly very good but here are a few annoyances
I've come across:

1. One of them periodically locks up in a most peculiar way : I can ssh
in via ethernet, Devices can associate (it's running as an AP,) but it
appears that no (useful) traffic makes it across the bridge from
ethernet to wifi. Even a reboot doesn't fix, it has to be powercycled.
(it's possible this is heat related and I've made some tweaks this
weekend so we'll see)

2. I've turned off almost everything (including the web gui). I've
installed radvd but I cannot seem to make it start at boot.

3. Related to 2 but there's poor documentation on anything other than
the web-gui. Go even slightly 'off-piste' and you are on your own. I've
debated switching to rasbian for this reason alone (on a RPi)

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