On 02/03/2020 19:18, Tim Woodall via GLLUG wrote:

On 02/03/2020 07:54, Tim Woodall via GLLUG wrote:

Faced with these sorts of issues on anything digital I always first suspect the PSU

Indeed - and my tweaks involve ensuring that it's getting exactly 5v0. I
think it was getting slightly more - and so why I suspect overheating
under load.

I wouldn't be worried about the voltage, more dropouts and spikes. But I have been wrong (frequently!)

But I still can't find anything about what I need. I have this (default
from package install)

# ls -l /etc/rc.d/S50radvd lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            15 Nov  2 08:09 /etc/rc.d/S50radvd -> ../init.d/radvd

and radvd starts as expected when I run
/etc/init.d/radvd start

But radvd does not start on boot but I can find no clue as to where the
problem might be.

It's not a major issue but it's annoying. I can't even find
documentation to tell me if these init scripts ought to work. There's
nothing in the log.

Hmm, irritating. But again for myself, I wouldn't be using this little box for anything core - just for glue.


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