On 4/1/07, Bruce Labitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You might want to look at netstat -an ...

Wow!  that was a ton of data!

 Yah, by default, that shows a lot of local inter-process
connections, too.  Try these variants:

        netstat -nt    # show active TCP sockets
        netstat -ntl   # show listening TCP sockets
        netstat -nua   # show all UDP sockets

 (You don't need to type the comments (the "#" character onwards) if
that isn't obviously.)

 You can also add "-p" to the options list to show which
process/program is associated with each connection, but you need to be
"root" for that to be effective.

 You can also pipe the whole thing through "less -S" to be able to
view it easier.  For example:

        netstat -ntuap | less -S

My router has two DNS entries in it.  They change from time to time.  I
could put them in the file.

 What happens when you try the "host" and "ping" diagnostics
mentioned earlier?  Those should help us narrow down *where* the
slowdown is.

I'm assuming you have some kind of firewall between you and your
interent connection (DSL line, cable modem, etc.).  In which case, you
yank the power, count to 20, put the power back in.
There is a router, I can power it down...

 That's the way to do it.  You'd be amazed at how often that fixes
problems.  :)

Also there is some sort of firewall running on the box.

 As root, you can temporarily disable the local firewall with:

        service iptables stop

 To turn it back on, do:

        service iptables start

 As a best practice, it isn't recommended to run without a firewall,
even if you have a dedicated firewall in your router, but for
troubleshooting, that may shed some light on things.

As well as SELINUX in permissive mode.

 "permissive" means "complain in the log, but don't prevent", so that
should rule out SELinux as the culprit.

You should also make sure you don't have iptables running and blocking

How do I check that?  OK, I got it.  The only reject is at the end of
the list:

 You can also use

        iptables --list --numeric --verbose | less -S

to see counts (in packets and bytes) of how many times each rule has
been matched.

-- Ben
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