On 4/1/07, Bruce Labitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
host liberty.gnhlug.org

anywhere between 22-56ms.  host doesn't seem to generate stats like ping.

 You can use "time host", if needed, but for this, we're generally
interested in time scales which humans can easily judge.  Like, "this
takes ten seconds, that is less than one second".

35 packets transmitted, 25 received, 28% packet loss

 Ouch.  28% is huge.  Ideally, it should be zero.

 Try ping'ing your router: ping -n

 If ping'ing the router also results in high packet loss, you have a
LAN problem.  Usually, that means a bad cable or port.  Occasionally,
it's a config issue.

 If ping'ing the router is fine but ping'ing liberty results in high
packet loss, the problem is in your router, or upstream of same (i.e.,
your ISP is having issues).  You might compare a few different hosts
(e.g., liberty.gnhlug.org, www.unh.edu, www.google.com) to be sure.

 Since you mentioned other computers on your LAN, compare command
results between computers, too.

-- Ben
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