>... which has me wondering: how does Ubuntu get away with shipping all
>of the stuff necessary to do DVD-authoring!?

Ahhh, what does it meant to do "DVD-authoring"?  Moving encoded bits on
a DVD?  No problem!  Taking video bits from my video camera (encoded
into Mpeg) and putting it onto my DVD?  No problem!  Making a DVD of Ogg
Theora?  No problem!

Encoding?  Depends on the patents involved, the licensing around the
patents, and so forth.

The results of the encoding?

The H.264 patent group has recently released yet another wave of grace
over mpeg-4 streams "free to end users" would not have to have royalties
paid on the *streams*.

Of course what "free to end users" is creates another whole bag of

>I looked into making DVDs with one of my Debian machines at one point,
>and quickly accumulated a long list of things that had been
>left out of Debian due to clear-and-present patent dangers, and that I
>decided against pursuing *not* out of fear for the *technical* issues
>involved (pshaw!) but out of fear that I end up setting myself up for
>some patent-troll to `pursue a cross-licensing relationship with' me
>(did I get that euphamism right?) in the future.

You have to watch those relationships with Trolls.....they create really
ugly offspring.

Now I think I am going to have a beer.....I need a beer....


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