On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
<roz...@geekspace.com> wrote:
> If you'd be content with something that has RF transceivers,
> microphones, and/or cameras ...

  The market for devices without at least one of those is fast
approaching zero, and most manufacturers have already discontinued
plans or production of such.

  I don't like it, either, but I conceded defeat on this issue early
last year.  My PDA and music player is now also my mobile phone, and
it has a camera and multiple radios (CDMA, Bluetooth, GPS).
Ironically, it's missing 802.11, the one thing I might actually have

  In all fairness, the ubiquitous, always-networked, does-everything
device does provide a huge amount of potential, so I can see the
appeal.  Those who have contrary needs are a rather tiny market.  So
I've resigned myself to leaving my memory augmentation device in the
designed bins outside the designated areas.  And carrying a clipboard.

> (yes--my comment about "music with RF in it..." was supposed to be a joke)

  I figured you had your reasons for your unforthcomingness, and left
it at that.  But if you got into specifics, you might get more
specific answers.

-- Ben
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