[EMAIL PROTECTED] said, in part:

>>> On a side note, speaking of hardware, I'd like to mention a very
>>>disturbing experience I had at a computer show in Salem N.H. yesterday

Complain to ncshows.com - quickly and thoroughly. They've been known
to kick out disreputable vendors, believe it or not. Yes, you have to
be careful, and I've gone to a lot of shows, and have dealt with many
of the vendors there, but there are some I won't deal with ever again.
I only buy from those whose stores I have visited, and who will be
around in the long run. There are some shills there that don't even have
enough brains to print up professional business cards, though...

Just my 20 millidollars' worth,


Bayard R. Coolidge      N1HO    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed are
Compaq Computer Corp.           solely those of the author, and not
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA      those of Compaq Computer Corporation
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DEC '77-'98)              or any other entity.
"Brake for Moose - It could save your life" - N.H. Fish & Game Dept.
Version: 3.12
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