In a message dated: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:48:15 EDT
"Chad R. Henry" said:

>What I have is:
>while [ $count -lt 284 ]
>       count='expr $count + 1'
>       echo "[$count].file"; >> /home/user/output

Enclose $count in double quotes within the backticks:

        count='expr "$count" + 1'

Should work, does for me:

        $ while [ $count -lt 10 ]
        > do
        >  count=`expr "$count" + 1`
        >  echo "count = $count "
        > done
        count = 2 
        count = 3 
        count = 4 
        count = 5 
        count = 6 
        count = 7 
        count = 8 
        count = 9 
        count = 10



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