We have another quarterly gathering in September, and we can put them on
the table then.

I'll let the various local chapter leaders speak up for their groups.


On Thu, 2002-07-25 at 05:44, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
> We've got some 'postcards' printed up for hand distribution (not
> suitable for posting!) about ApacheCon in November.  Would anyone
> care to have some to distribute at the next couple/few LUG meetings?
> Or at work, or whatever?  If so, please reply on-list so we don't
> get dozens of requests and have thousands papering the meetings. :-)
> (I may actually *make* it to a TriLUG meeting and bring some.. ;-)
> -- 
> #ken  P-)}
> Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
> Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/
> "Millennium hand and shrimp!"
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