On Thu, 25 Jul 2002, at 3:51pm, Rich C wrote:
>> Not exactly.  The cards themselves do not determine their configuration,
> Read my post again. I did not say that the card did this.

  Er, I just read your post again, and you did say that.  However, you asked
us not to quote you, so I won't.  :-)  I understood you were not clear on
the matter, and I was trying to clarify things.

>> and they need no non-volatile storage.  The host computer (either the
>> BIOS, or the OS, or some other program) gives them their configuration.
> Some cards DO keep their own configurations, although it may be only ISA
> cards which do this.

  Sorry, no.  The context of your remark was the "Reset Configuration Data"  
setting.  That setting applies to the ESCD the BIOS maintains, which is not
kept on the cards.  Both PCI and ISA PnP cards get the configuration from
the host computer; they have no say in it themselves.  (Well, that isn't
strictly true; the cards can report their limitations, e.g., that only
certain IRQs, DMAs, or memory ranges will work.  But the host (specifically,
the PnP enumerator) tells them what to actually use.)

  It is certianly possible for a card to keep *other* settings in NVRAM
(e.g., the volume on an internal modem), but that is not what you were
talking about.

> Frequently, without a PnP BIOS to configure them, you needed a special
> configuration program (certain Adaptec ISA SCSI adapters do this) to set
> the IRQ and DMA (if applicable.)

  As I said in *my* post:

me> Before ISA PnP, it was common enough to have ISA cards which were 
me> configured using software, but each card had its own
me> interface and program for doing so.

 ... and ...

me> Basically, if you have any non-PnP cards in your system, the BIOS (and 
me> maybe even the OS) has no way of knowing what resources they are using.

  So, again, that has nothing to do with the "Reset Configuration Data"  
setting.  :-)

> Not true in all cases. Some BIOSes will keep the setting on Enabled ...

  Interesting.  I have never seen that before.

> ... and you will see the "ESCD update success..." message on every boot.

  That is not necessarilly unrelated.  Sometimes, the "ESCD update" message
will always appear, even when the "Reset Configuration Data" is set to
"Disabled".  I do not know if that is because the BIOS designers just felt
it better to regenerate it every time, or because some piece of hardware is
causing the BIOS to think it needs to, or because the BIOS is buggy, or
what.  :-)

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