Isn't it accessible name computation issue? Usually it is author's
responsibility to make a proper label for a control, and thus AT don't need
to know any who's first and who is next.

I have no LibreOffice at hands, so could you think of HTML like example to
demo the issue?

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 9:48 AM, Samuel Thibault <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm also getting the case of a label after the widget only: in a preview
> dialog box, there is only an editable containing "1" and a label
> containing "/2" after that.
> I tried to use flows-to/from, it didn't work, and it looks distorted to
> me anyway.
> Perhaps we should introduce RELATION_LABEL_AFTER_FOR,
> Samuel
> Samuel Thibault, on mar. 27 févr. 2018 18:34:08 +0100, wrote:
> > We have seen in various places that an editable field has a label both
> > before and after. For instance, in LibreOffice's Tools->Options dialog,
> > in the LibreOffice->General section, there is
> >
> > "Interpret as years between 1930 and 2029"
> >
> > where "Interpret as years between" is a label, "1930" is an editable,
> > and "and 2029" is another label.  Currently in the .ui file the first
> > label is set as mnemonic_widget for the editable, so that orca displays
> > "Interpret as years between 1930", but this is not enough to understand
> > what that is without the last label :)
> >
> > Is there a way to let orca know that there are actually two labels,
> > one before and one after the editable?  I thought perhaps relation
> > flows-to/from in addition to the mnemonic_widget or label-for, but I'm
> > really not sure.
> >
> > The same situation happens in various places where the second label
> > provides the unit, or more precise specifications (e.g. "Distance 0cm
> > between pages" where "0cm" is editable)
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