Hi Francesco:

> Could anybody please tell me what are the next 
> steps that will be taken and perhaps some rough 
> schedule?

As a community, we are defining where we need to go.  How things get 
done will also be up to the community -- we need clear strong leaders to 
stand up and take ownership of tasks.

I really like your ideas and bigger picture views of the mobility 
impairment space, and wonder if you might consider ramping up something 
to create a project around this?


> Particularly, for the "Über GOK"-project: will a 
> wiki be set up and where? Concerning the creation 
> of an "onscreen keyboard" community, I think that 
> it might be a good idea to get also the tabletpc 
> community on board: they might be especially 
> interested in the composer part of gok and in its 
> relation to GDM.
> The section about the "Über GOK" lists onboard 
> and jambu as startling points; maybe that gok and 
> dasher should also be considered: gok for its 
> switch input, scanning, ui grabbing, composer and 
> word completion; dasher for its word prediction 
> and its original input method (but only as an 
> optional alternative to a more keyboard-like 
> input).
> Regards
> Francesco
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