Dear Folks,

On 30/06/06 20:35 +0200, Damien Sandras wrote:

I would like to ask the opinion of my users once again.

Please answer to the following poll in this thread:
1) I like Ekiga as a GNOME application, even if it adds dependancies on

2) I would prefer Ekiga as a pure GTK+ application like GAIM, with its
own configuration system

3) I don't care

There are some other tradeoffs here: the developers would surely be
able to fill us in on some of them.

Surely the reason for using GNOME is to simplify the code; a pure GTK+
application needs to do more that would otherwise be done in the GNOME
libraries, or do I misunderstand the purpose of GNOME?

If the code becomes bigger, does it become harder to maintain?

On the face of it, reducing the dependencies seems a no-brainer, but
there are some downsides, and it would be nice if those who know could
fill us in a little.

Just for the record, I use a lot of GNOME applications, so I am
quite happy with the GNOME dependencies.
Nick Urbanik   RHCE        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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