Damien Sandras a écrit :
> I would like to ask the opinion of my users once again.

I'm not just a user, but did quite a bit of work to make 
gnomemeeting/ekiga work on win32 :
*) I wrote the gmconf system as an abstract configuration system, behind 
which ekiga is already able to hide either gconf or a custom glib-based 
system ;
*) I took the gnome-about code and modified it to make it work only with 
gtk+, so we use it instead of gnome-about when needed ;
*) more recently I wrote a little abstract tray icon system, so we use 
eggtray on X11-based systems, and another implementation on win32 (this 
work will die soon, as recent versions of gtk+ have a nice class to do 
just that!).

So all in all I would say we already have chosen, and chosen *_both_* 
(1) and (2).

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