On Sat, Aug 05, 2017 at 09:20:33AM +0200, Henry Jensen wrote:
> Am 4. August 2017 17:03:43 MESZ schrieb bill-auger 
> <bill-auger@peers.community>:
> > connochaetos has had a
> >stable version for years and has been on this waiting list since 2010
> >but i have not communicated with anyone from that group personally so
> >it
> >is not clear to me if they even know they are on that list - because
> >that list has had such little attention over the years, it is not clear
> >if the FSF is even aware of that list
> >
> >https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Incoming_distros
> ConnochaetOS maintainer here. Yes, I am aware of the list and that the distro 
> is on it. Indeed it seems clear that this list is unacknowledged and not an 
> official waiting list.  I wonder if such an "official" list even exists.
> To be honest, I found the whole procedure of  becoming an endorsed distro 
> non-transparent. 
> Greetings,
> Henry

I have read these pages here:




and there is email on how to contact FSF, and FSF
is responsive, so I see that whole procedure is
very transparent.

I am sure that if you contact FSF for
clarification of any issue, that they will answer.


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