On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 16:51:25 -0700, Snit wrote:

> > 
> The question is about how I should protect my property... and you (in my
> mind correctly) acknowledged it should be my choice. And those choices
> include many DRM methods which are available to me. My choice.
> Choice is good.

No, because the law forces us to accept your "choice" or become felons 
and serve heavy fines and jailtime (WIPO treaty/DMCA, etc). Otherwise, 
your malicious attempts to control your customers' private lives and use 
of private property in their private homes, you would be playing catch-up 
with your malicious products like you should. 

Or maybe we'd have a *REAL* choice - the choice to buy something from 
someone who sells your videos with your privacy-intrusive and property-
destroying copy controls, subjecting you to the laws of a just and true 
free market where your video business will be forced to be non-
destructive and non-intrusive in order to survive.


Red Blade

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