If you objtained your list of adresses from the maintainers file on fp, then
that was inappropriate.   When maintainers give us that information, we 
promise it won't be used in that way.

All new maintainers are automatically subscribed to the internal 
mailing lists unless they ask not to be.   So all maintainers who
wish to be contacted on matters like this can be through those lists.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 11:46:43AM +0100, Ludovic Court??s wrote:
> Hi Alfred,
> a...@gnu.org (Alfred M. Szmidt) skribis:
> > You are misusing the trust given by the GNU project by harvesting
> > member information and using it for non-GNU purposes.  Nobody gave you
> > the right to use that information, in any shape or form.
> We didn???t harvest anything.  I think it???s reasonable for GNU maintainers
> get in touch one another, and that???s unfortunately the only to do that
> reliably AFAIK.
> > The social contract you suggest has also been rejected, simply because
> > we do not nor will we require members to accept such a document when
> > they become GNU maintainers or volunteers.
> The email we sent invites all GNU maintainers to weigh in to get to a
> version of the social contract that we could all identify with.
> It???s about building a shared understanding of what it is we???re aiming
> for as a project.  To me, that can only be beneficial to the project and
> its cohesion.
> Thanks,
> Ludo???.

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