On 8/16/2015 at 12:34 PM, "Stefan Claas" <ad...@zwiebelfreund.de> wrote:
>Should now GnuPG been enhaned, or the Key Server's been updated,
>similar to the pgp.com one.in order to allow such things not in
>the future?


It would be very helpful if such a protection against unwanted key signatures 
could be instituted.
Here is a possible suggestion on how it might be done:

[1] Have GnuPG require a 'cross-certification' of signatures, similar to the 
cross-certification of subkeys.

[2] Have GnuPG give a message upon importing a public key, that
"Signatures from keyid's [...], [....], and [...] have not been cross-certified 
by their owner,
Clean these signatures, y / n ? "

(Alternatively, the default could be:
"These signatures will be removed. If you want to keep them, enter  'keep-sig' 

and then each new sig would be displayed, and if the importer
wants the sig, the importer would need to enter 'keep-sig' for each sig 

This would require the owners of the keys to do periodic checking of their keys 
and cross-certify the signatures they want.

It would also be a bit of work for the owners to cross-certify all the 'good'  
signatures they were happy to get.

Just a suggestion.

The implementers can best decide how much extra work this would require, and if 
there is a simpler better way to accomplish the desired result.


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