Dear Jeroen Bosman and others:

The definition of Open Access given by Jeroen Bosman seems a little 
restrictive, expecially given the new ACS Central Science, which requires 
neither payment for reading the article nor from the author to publish the 

WSEAS Transactions seems to be following the same business plan … with the 
added feature of WSEAS being a ‘multi-conference’ organizer, which might 
explain their unusual business plan.

Additional details at:

Dana L. Roth
Caltech 1-32
1200 E. California Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91125
626-395-6423 fax 626-792-7540<>

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen)
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2015 9:52 AM
To: Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)
Subject: [GOAL] Re: The Qualis and the silence of the Brazilian researchers

Dear Mr. Tuffani and others,

I think you are doing good work in alerting the Brazilian science community to 
the dangers of rogue publishers or would-be publishers going for easy money. 
This is already complex, because there is no simple criterion, there are grey 
zones between black and white. Some trustworthy journals are just young and 
maybe amateurish but could develop in valuable contributions to the publishing 
landscape. Others are indeed bordering on criminal activity.

Still I would like to take the opportunity to make this more complex. I think 
you cannot improve the system by clinging to "prestige", "highly ranked", 
"internationally renowned", "reputable" etc. There are many journals and 
scientists that published rubbish, manipulated data and whatever despite having 
these eponyms atached to them. What is needed is transparency, open reviewing 
and assessments, sharing of experiences with reviewing processes etc. What is 
not needed is ever more complex lists of journals in 6 or more categories. 
These are non-sustainable nonsense. You simply cannot judge a paper or 
scientists by the cover of journals.

What also makes this more complex is thatbtjis takes place in a struggle 
between north and global south, between the dominating mainstream English 
language science culture and other cultures. I'm not saying there is no need to 
develop and live by global values in science. But that is a complex process 
that takes a generation and that doesn't simply boil down to 'just publish in 
English in a paywalled journal included in Thomson Reuters' JCR list.

This is also a struggle between traditionalists, going for prestige, rankings 
and competition and forward looking scientists, going for collaboration, 
transparency and opennness.

I think Brazil could make a giant leap by radically doing away with the idea 
that they can only be valuable and succesful in science by playing the 
traditional impact factor/reputation game and engage in the rat-race to publish 
as much as they can. The giant leap I mention can be taken by setting up a 
really transparent and forward looking scholarly communication system. The 
technology and models are available, tried and tested. Just as many countries 
in Africa moved into mobile communications without first building a network of 
ground telephone lines, so Brazil can jump the phase of trying to catch up in 
science with 20th century models. When you watch what is really going on now it 
is broad platforms and journals (e.g. PLOS, ScienceOpen, PeerJ, eLife), open 
and/or post publication peer review (PeerJ, F1000, BMJ), ditching impact 
factors by universities and even national associations of universities (see San 
Francisco Dora declaration),  wholesale flipping to Open Access, mandated 
datasharing by funders and more. Not of of this is  the mainstream yet, but it 
may very well be within 5 years. We are in dire need of more broad initiatiaves 
along these lines, especially in BRICS countires.

Such a focus on the future might prove to bring Brazilian science more than 
sticking to the old models. With a well thought out plan, broad support, good 
incentivess and transparency Brazil could even lead on this path. In retrospect 
this attack of your house by predatory bugs may have been a blessing in 
disguise because it made you realise the bugs where not the biggest problem. 
The bigger problem was the state your/our house was in.

Kind regards,
Jeroen Bosman
Utrecht University library

Op 4 apr. 2015 om 17:03 heeft "Jacinto Dávila" 
<<>> het volgende 
I am sorry Mr. Tuffani, but your are just adopting Beall's list and, therefore, 
copying his mistakes or, at least, his anti-OA stance.

You suggest that Qualis comes "without rigor" and inmediately claims "The 
expression “predatory journals” has been used for some years to designate 
academic journals published by companies operating without scientific rigor an 
important scientific communication initiative that came up with the internet. 
This is the Open Access<> 
(OA), the editorial model of publishing articles in open access, funded by the 
academic institutions sponsoring their own journals or by charging fees from 
the authors of the studies."
Well, this 17 journals in your lists ARE NOT Open Access. They did not even 
claim to be:

WSEAS<> (World Science and Engineering Academy Society)***

  *   WSEAS Transactions on Acoustics and 
Music<> [ISSN: 1109-9577 – 
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical 
Mechanics<> [ISSN: 1991-8747]
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical 
Mechanics<> [ISSN: 2224-3429]
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Biology and 
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Circuits<>
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and 
  *   WSEAS Transactions on 
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Computer 
Research<> [ISSN: 1991-8755 
– descontinuado]
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Computers<>
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Environment and 
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Fluid 
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and 
  *   WSEAS Transactions on 
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Power 
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Systems<>
  *   WSEAS Transactions on Systems and 


***O WASEAS não tem clareza sobre os valores de suas taxas de processamento de 
artigos. O publisher tem feito muitas “operações casadas” que envolvem taxas de 
inscrição em evento

Maybe what you want to say is what Mr. Beall seems to state: they are 
"potentially" OA. But then, with this lack of rigor, everything is OA. Perhaps, 
while you are criticising OA for this you should also, for the sake of 
neutrality, explain how one of these 17 has this kind of "standard" support:

WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control (appears in)

  *   Cabell Publishing
  *   CiteSeerx
  *   Cobiss
  *   Compendex®
  *   EBSCO
  *   EBSCOhost | Academic Search Research and Development
  *   EBSCOhost | Applied Science and Technology Source
  *   EBSCOhost | Energy & Power Source
  *   EBSCOhost | TOC Premier™
  *   Electronic Journals Library
  *   Engineering Index (EI)
  *   Engineering Village
  *   Google Scholar
  *   Inspec | The IET
  *   Microsoft Academic Search System
  *   SCIRUS
  *   SCOPUS®
  *   SWETS
  *   TIB|UB | German National Library of Science and Technology
  *   Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
  *   WorldCat OCLC

These are not OA indexes. Predatory behaviour is a wider issue.

On 4 April 2015 at 06:57, Mauricio Tuffani 
<<>> wrote:
The translation is now available:

Brazilian graduate system counts now 235 predatory 

Maurício Tuffani<>

2015-04-03 18:34 GMT-03:00 Mauricio Tuffani 

Mr. Davila,

The list is published from March 9 — accessible through the same link in my 
report indicated here by Mr. Beall — and has been updated today. Now are at 
least 235 predatory journals in Qualis.

Auditing and supervision are precisely what is not allowed by all the 
publishers in that list. In all my posts and articles I have emphasized the 
need for such transparency. And I do not need to explain this by defining OA. 
My focus is not to attack OA, but also is not make OA advocacy.

Maurício Tuffani

2015-04-02 18:47 GMT-03:00 Jacinto Dávila 

Publish that list Mr Tuffani. Openness is not only about allowing papers to be 
read "in the Internet". But also about allowing auditing and supervision of all 
sorts and at all levels. I understand you must summarize the arguments for 
non-expert readers. But this is a gross over-simplification of OA:


Open Access

Predatory journals are academic journals published by companies operating, 
without scientific rigor, an important scientific communication initiative that 
came up with the internet. This is the Open 
Access<> (OA), the 
editorial model of publishing articles in open access, based on the charging of 
fees from authors or funding by scientific institutions.

Both in the OA as in the traditional model maintained by annual subscriptions 
or fees per downloaded article from the Internet, reputable journals take 
months or even over a year to review and accept articles, or reject them.

On 2 April 2015 at 16:41, Jean-Claude Guédon 
<<>> wrote:
If some academics find it difficult publicly to denounce what obviously are 
rogue journals, others obviously will. It is only a question of perseverance. 
Furthermore, we need academics only to endorse journals that they know to be 
legitimate. Those without the ability to have five open sponsors will simply 
stand out in the list (that for colleagues who might be scared of being sued).

Besides, Mr. Tuffani, all you have to do is publish the list of the 200 
doubtful titles and ask who would be willing to put his/her good name behind 
any of these journals. If it turns out that some are actually legitimate, we 
shall soon know. They will have no difficulty in garnering five sponsors who 
can be easily identified and queried as to their decision to support a 
particular title.

Jean-Claude Guédon


Jean-Claude Guédon

Professeur titulaire

Littérature comparée

Université de Montréal

Le jeudi 02 avril 2015 à 17:28 -0300, Mauricio Tuffani a écrit :
I will write about the suggestions of Mrs. Morrison and Mr. Guédon to CAPES. 
But I sent them previously for this Brazilian federal agency, as I reported in 
my post yesterday, whose translation is available in the page of the link below.
The Qualis and the silence of the Brazilian researchers

Best regards,

Maurício Tuffani
Journalist, science writer
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Mobile: +55 11 99164-8443<tel:%2B55%2011%2099164-8443>
Phone: +55 11 2366-9949<tel:%2B55%2011%202366-9949><>


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